Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Something Different

We have spent virtually all day round at Bags' house Monster Wrangling.
Not that there was much wrangling to be done.
Bags & SIL got the train into town at 11am, The Cygnet spent time on-line gaming with friends and Squirrel spent ages getting herself titivated.
After lunch The Cygnet went out for a 5k run with a friend and Squirrel went walkabout with her boyfriend.

Mid afternoon, I went home filled the car with half a ton of scrap metal, a load of dead electronic stuff and some other stuff and headed to the dump.
After a (late) mid afternoon cuppa SWMBO and I went and bought some pizzas and treated the monsters to their tea before I went and collect their parents from the station.

Apart from that, I cleaned the sensor on my big camera (long overdue) and used the fisheye on one of the small ones to try and get something slightly different from the stuff I have been taking recently.
They are over here and are bathroom window shots, kitchen appliances and The Cygnet (he found that one very amusing).

As we were going home the moon appeared to be huge ... much bigger than when it was full and couple of nights back.
However, on getting out of the car it seemed to have shrunk! I suggested that the car must be fitted with Mr Magoo's prescription lens windscreen.
However, it didn't stop me taking the camera and tripod down the lane to the steps above the playing fields and trying to get a couple of shots.
I was joined there by one of the neighbours kids who was curious as to what I was doing. I had to explain that and that I didn't think what I had got was up to much.
I will play about with one of them, do some jiggery-pokery and hopefully get something that I can print off for her.....but don't hold your breath.

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