
By HareBrain

Time Flies ........

When you're having fun!  22 years ago today Mr HB and I tied the knot.  We met 24 years ago, in an aeroplane of course! He had been introduced to me by a friend at work who said that a fourth person was required to provide ballast in a 4-seater plane in which Mr HB was having to practise flying a heavier aircraft in preparation for competing with 2 other pilots in a Piper Malibu/Mirage, single piston engine, double turbo charged pressurised complex  plane in the 2001 London to Sydney Air Race. On our initial meeting he said I would fit the bill!! Ever the romantic!

Can't grumble, we've had 24 years of adventure, fun, good humour, nearly 10 years of wonderful 'TravelswithMatilda', much love for each other and feel very lucky to have survived one or two serious health issues for both of us.

Today's weather has been similar to that of 22 years ago, bright and warm. To add to Mr HB's romantic bent we've spent the afternoon at Hawarden Airport, plane spotting and having a light snack in the Chocks Away Diner!!  And for Silly Saturday our dear Admirer would have chuckled!!!

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