The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

An Opening - for a cat.

Today has been a weird day.
The weather had clearly been wet when I was asleep and I heard at work there were some fierce thunderstorms but I must have slept through it all.

On the 3rd leg of my commute we all got kicked off the bus. Of course with headphones on I had to ask a lady what was wrong with the bus but all too soon I found out.

Some flash floods had blocked a road and the buses and traffic couldn't pass (a couple of cars were already stuck in there). We had to walk the rest of the way which isn't in itself a big deal as it's only a bus ride of a 20 min walk but anyways as we passed the flooded site I have to tell you I think there was more of an issue than just rain water flooding that road. The stench was horrific!

I was a little later to work than planned and my day there was so so. we are having a load of workshops and meetings with some people from Spain and Germany this week so I decided to bake this evening for some sugar/ snack food to keep everyone going tomorrow. Sadly baking in this weather isn't great. I think the heat was too much for my cupcake frosting and I don't think I baked the cupcakes long enough so a lot little bit disappointed with the results.

The evening has gone in a blur and I am not too happy with today's attempt at the challenge however here is Casper poking his head through his own personal opening, otherwise known as the catflap!

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