Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


Chores today. I took a crazy notion to roll up the living room 10x12 ft carpet to take it outside to scrub it off. What was thinking!!!!

Since we don’t have the dog now it needed to be really cleaned and I could not do it in the house because of hardwood floors. I got it scrubbed with the long handled brush that Jerry uses for washing his big truck. It looks much better but it might take three days to dry out on the front lawn!

This mushroom was a find when I decided to dig up the small tea olive bush to move to another location. Got the hole dug and that moved then decided I might as well move one other bush to a better location. That hole was a little easier to dig. Both things watered good and also the mums. I came inside so I would not do any more digging!

Jerry is away on an overnight hunting trip with two of his friends. I get things done when he is not home.

I may not be able to move my arms tomorrow but you can’t keep a determined woman down!!

Have a great weekend Blippers!

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