
By Wildwood

Seasonal Pumpkins

It must be encoded somewhere in John's DNA that he needs to be the first (and preferably the only) person. He hates queueing and can't tolerate traffic back-ups, so it wasn't surprising that when the automotive smog testing place told John that he opened at 8am and took people first-come-first-served, John was up in the dark taking his shower and got to the car testing place before it opened. I suggested that he could go at a more civilised hour and play games on his phone while he waited, which is most likely what he would have been doing at home anyway, but he was having none of that. He did complain about the traffic because of the early hour, but he won't have to do that particular chore again for two years.

I went to the fabric store and as usual was most entertained by the conversation going on around the big table where a group of women were taking a class on 'collage quilts'.They are meeting again tomorrow and I'm tempted to go back tomorrow and see what the finished product looks like. One woman raved about a sushi place where all the service is provided by robots who take orders and deliver the food. She loves to take her grandchildren there. And I thought conveyor belt sushi was cutting edge. Another woman said she was awake at night worrying about the class because she had never taken a class there. She got there before the teacher, or anybody else for that matter,  but as the other women arrived she seemed to be fitting right in.

I stopped on the way home and picked up some pumpkins/squashes for a little seasonal front porch decor. They are the subject of today's entry. The extra is of the Harvest Supermoon rising above the ridge.

It's been more than three weeks since the four biopsies were done at the dermatology clinic and I was increasingly annoyed that I had to call for the results because it seems to me that they should call me. Since I have mixed feelings about removing them,  I was tempted to just ignore them but I decided that was just stupid. I had the biopsies. I ought to know the results. So I called. At least they have a special line just for reporting results and somebody answered quickly. She said all four were squamous cell carcinomas and recommended a consultation with Dr Peng (the wonderkind doc with the red shoes who does all the Mohs surgeries and other specialty procedures).  I have an appointment with him on Halloween, which seems appropriate...maybe he will dress up as a vampire.

The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning from this afternoon through Saturday due to low relative humidity and gusty northerly winds. PG&E may turn off our power (Public Safety Power Shutoff) lest their equipment ignite another fire. 'Please be vigilant' it says.

All seems calm and peaceful at the moment....

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