Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Pretty damp fuchsia

Another wet day.

Another day of domestic chores.  I stripped the beds in the spare room and the sewing room.  W wielded a vacuum cleaner.  We then moved the beds from the sewing room back into the book room.  And I spent some time dusting and vacuuming the book room, before tidying up the chaos of papers lying around in there.

Just before I set off for band practice, the rain stopped, and I wandered into the garden with the camera.  Everything was pretty damp, this fuchsia is also pretty.  I don't have a variety name for it, but I love the pink tinge of the leaves and stems.

There were lovely pink tinged clouds in the sky as I drove to Wexford.

After I posted, Blip reminded me that this was my 10 year blipday - I thought it was tomorrow!  So editing to say thank you to the volunteers who keep the site running, and to everyone who pops in to my journal and scatters stars and occasional hearts.  I'm not good at the responding side of things - maybe a resolution for the future?!

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