Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


Hasn't it been a lovely day? First thing this morning I went for my normal play down on the beach. Well I say, 'first thing' in the morning. I seem to be going later & later for my morning walk. In the summer we used to get up about 7am because it was nice and light. Now it's a struggle to get up at 7.30am. Today Ann wasn't working, but if she's starting work at 9.30am, we have to get up when it's dark so that I can get a decent length walk first.

Anyway, today, it's been lovely weather. After my walk we had breakfast on our very sunny sun terrace and then Ann sorted out all her pots, pulled out all the weeds and made the sun terrace look lovely for the winter. She's put the cover on our rocking lounger chair and brought some of the other outdoor furniture indoors for the winter. We're heading back up to Edinburgh next week and we just want everything to be secure because if the weather is stormy, then the furniture will get blown around all over the place and may possibly even blow over the balcony walls.

We spent all morning on the sun terrace, but by the time Ann got round to taking a photo of me, Mr Sunshine had gone behind a cloud. That's why it doesn't look particularly sunny in this Blip.

By about 2pm Ann had, had enough of sitting around in the sun, so she said, 'Trixie, let's go to Asda & Tesco, buy some wine, and take you for your afternoon walk. Supermarket shopping isn't the most exciting thing for a little Collie, but at least if we go to Asda, I know that after I've waited in the car, I get a walk down the estuary. And we all know what lives in the prickly bushes beside the estuary........................ bunnies. Yay! Unfortunately today I didn't see one single bunny. And I even went right into the middle of the prickly bushes to look for them. Boohoo!!!

And now for a little RANT!!!..................... Whenever we leave St Ives to head back to Edinburgh, Ann buys 12 bottles of wine, because it is so much cheaper in England, and also there's always one (or more) of the major supermarkets that will have an offer on giving you 25% off if you buy 6 bottles. That doesn't happen in Scotland. In Scotland you can't even buy a 'dine in for 2 meal' before 10am if it inclues alcohol. It's mad!!! My human has ranted about this before but it's something that really annoys her. Ann likes to do a supermarket shop first thing in the morning but can't in Scotland, because she can't buy a bottle of wine before 10am. It's not like she's going to drink wine before 10am................ she just likes to get the shopping out of the way so that she can get on with her day. Traditionally, Scots have had the reputation of being heavy drinkers, & most of Ann's Scottish friends drink way more than her English friends, but they were brought up in the 60/70s. It would be interesting to see if the Scottish Millennium kids have the same attitudes towards alcohol, because Ann doesn't think that they have. Oh and one more teeny, weeny, little rant............. if people in Scotland want to drink before 10am in the morning, they will organise themselves to be able to do this................. there's a group of about 4/5 so called homeless people who hang out in a sunny spot, just around the corner from our flat in Edinburgh. We don't know where they go at night to sleep. They are there at 8am drinking strong cans of cider/lager so obviously have the organisational skills to stock up on their alcohol before 10pm the night before. #justsaying  OK RANT OVER!!!

Anyway two walks, & lying in the sun all day, has made me hungry so I've just gobbled up all my dinner & am going to spend the rest of the evening snoozing.

Toodles. xx

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