
By Happyme

More clearing

Back blipping this as I've got a couple of days behind. This was Tuesday. The weather was horrid. A thick mist hanging all day with drizzly rain too! 
There's certainly plenty to be clearing in the garden! I concentrated on a small area at the top of the garden, although it felt much larger with what needed doing! I couldn't manage it all. I cleared about 4 dustbin loads. It's made more difficult being on a slope. Sometimes difficult to maintain my footing and concentrate on the pulling! I managed a couple of hours of giving it my best, but was wet and muddy and ready for a cuppa after that! I've done about half and hopefully will give it another couple of hours this afternoon (Thursday). I'm off to the community café with Val and Ruth this morning. 
It has poured with rain all night but is much brighter and the ground will hopefully give up the weeds more readily!
I also laid some sheep wool around my oregano plants that I transplanted lower down the garden last weekend. 

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