By greengirl


Well, no housework got done today (unless you count cooking the tea, which was Lime Pickle Rice, the first time since Spring and it was delicious).

I did get out for a walk and stayed dry. It is so warm out just now! I was wearing too many clothes.

I spent quite a bit of time knitting, as I was so excited to start my hat. As you can see, the ribbing is done and now it is time to increase. It requires a lot of concentration to follow a chart and not tangle up the two colours of wool. It’s a few years since I did any stranded work but I am enjoying getting back into it.

We had a call from Sarah this evening - she had spent the day in Peterborough at an awards ceremony. The childrens’ hopsice where she works had won UK Charity of the Year. Well deserved :-)

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