The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


Yesterday I struggled to find something watery for my blip, today was a completely different story! It’s been wet, wet, wet between the heavy rain.

My car arrived back at lunchtime, closely followed by L who arrived for the afternoon…she’s on holiday for a week and is off to York tomorrow for a few days with her Dad. We travelled over to Berwick for lunch out…MC took the car off us so he could go for a big shop before picking the wee one up from school. L and I had a leisurely lunch, it seemed everyone had had the same idea and the place was packed out…we only just got a table. A walk around the block saw us arrive back just as MC drove up…we helped them in with the shopping and stayed about half an hour or so being entertained by the wee man, he’d learned ‘ch’ today at school and proudly showed us how to write it. It was very foggy by the time we drove back over the river. 

Luckily our lunch table was situated in a window so I was able to blip someone else’s wet journey by shank’s pony from inside.

Thanks to steveng for hosting Wide Wednesday this week.

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