Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Adventure Cat

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

The area of bush out the back of our house remains unspoiled and untouched (for now). 

The wily old beggar who wanted to put a house on it has died. It went to his sons (in Australia) who tried to tidy it up for sale. But they discovered there's a drainage issue in the middle of the land. They attempted to cover it up with dirt and gravel and "accidentally" used some of OUR land on OUR section to fill it in. 

This has made it more likely that our garden will disappear in the middle of a rainy night. So Caro informed the council, informed the insurance company, informed our solicitor, informed the sons.

Then it went quiet. Then ANOTHER contractor came to look at the site. 

Then HE died. 

So really. We have no idea what's going on now. We assume the sons will turn up again like a bad smell at some point, but for the moment, the bush is unspoiled and untouched.

I didn't mean to go off on that whole boring tangent. The point is this. Crashy and DG love this area out the back and go out there having catty adventures every day. DG often comes back soaked because she's been wading about in the aforementioned drainage issue. 

They have great fun down there. And though I wish no further death on anyone, I hope it continues for a long time. 


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