Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Testing testing

Another bonkers day at PA HQ. 
This is a selection of items that all do the same thing but sometimes you just need to physically see and compare them, and then, test the ones you like the look of the most. 

If you're wondering, you add a few drops of essential oil to the wood and then the fragrance will be diffused for a few hours. These will be part of my new sleep spa set (a sleepy essential oil blend to go beside your bed) and, if I can pull it all together in time, will also be sold as a set with various essential oil blends to help with things like anxiety, memory and focus. 

In other news RIP Rose, found deceased under her coop today. She was a grand old dame and still producing eggs. At either 9.5 or 10.5 years old she had a good innings.  

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