
By cate1


Today I met up in Glasgow with two friends from our teacher training years beginning in 1980.  I can't believe that's almost 45 years ago.  When we start chatting it's as if we had just returned from our Summer break.  We normally meet every 5/6 weeks, but Rita was on childminding duties during the summer months and she also broke a bone in her foot, so we haven't been together since June
Needless to say it was as if we had been together last week.

 Sometimes the chat is all about the changes in education - which of course we don't agree with - but mostly it's about our daily life, family and holidays.  We were booked in at 12 noon and were supposed to vacate the table at 2.15 and although the restaurant had been very busy for a while many people had returned to work and we stayed until 3.30 before travelling home on the train in different directions, with a date for our next catch up already in the diary. 

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