
By H22

 Place: Greenville, SC 62/78
Main activity: Mon - lots!
Notes: Went to bed Sun night ~630p! Slept until 330a-ish. Woke and was messaging w/ Jo for quite awhile. And checked and the internet had been restored! Around 630a, went back to sleep until after 8a. Woke up and sat outside w/ Kathy for a bit - very stiff and couldn't form a sentence at first! Put some steaks in the crock pot in the morning. We both talked to Michelle a bit about LDN for Kathy's left leg that's still bothering her. Was a big day doing lots of my stuff and helping Kathy get ready for her trip. She left for errands around 1115a and accidentally hit the back passenger side of my car. Isn't too bad, some scrapes and cracked the taillight cover - somehow I wasn't too bothered by it! Checked the crack in my windshield from yesterday and was much larger (maybe from being hit, not sure). I was able to call insurance and get an appt to have it replaced. Called AAA about the light cover and they want over $400 (ridiculous!). I gave Lizzy a bath, did a load of laundry, unpacked a little but left most of it for now. Was over at Dominika's a bit getting Lizzy and taking her some stuff for a big knot on her leg (dog ran into her). Took a late afternoon shower and then roasted some sweet potatoes and sautéed an onion to go w/ the beef. Kathy had chiropractor appt and stop before so headed out ~315p and got back after 6p. I ate around 4p. Dominika came over 630p-ish to say goodbye and we shared an Italian melon drink. Chatted for awhile and then I cleaned up kitchen and leftovers and Kathy continued packing. We were both quite tired (and Lizzy too). Watched some of the MNF (Bills/Jets) and relaxed before going to bed - was up till 11p!

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