I Witness

By KangaZu

Mono Monday: Week 560 ...

... Magnification.

Okay ... this isn't really a magnification of our lovely Kiera.  But I did use the macro lens (a form of magnification?) in order to capture the photo ... when everything else failed!  Thanks to sk for hosting Mono Monday this month.

It's been a weird 24 hours ... starting with a text I received after supper last night from my credit card company.  The text was regarding a charge that the credit card company wanted to know if I initiated.  No! I had not!  I then quickly logged on to the website to see if there were any other fraudulent charges.  And, yes, there were!  For over $600! Grrrrrr!

Once I saw these other charges I called the number on the back of my card to report them.  The representative was very helpful and I was able to dispute the charges and cancel the current card.  They will be sending me a new one ... and hopefully this won't happen again.  But it really hammers home the importance of 1. a good credit card company, and 2. being watchful of your monthly statements.

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