The Way I See Things



On an absolutely grim morning in Stratford, this shot of a Black-headed Gull preparing to land in the Bancroft Basin was the best photo I managed - and I consider myself quite lucky to have caught it. One day I might manage a decent sequence of one of them actually landing, which generally involves slowing to stalling speed and then ditching face-first in the water - but today was not that day.

On a brighter note, a little earlier I'd spotted some photos I recognised on the corridor wall of Stratford Hospital as R and I were coming out of a consultation room, and I suddenly remembered that Stratford Photo Group were asked to contribute images towards the decor during the hospital's refurbishment a few years ago. "I think there's one of mine somewhere," I said, and it didn't take us long to find this on the next floor down. At the time I merely submitted a file, and didn't actually see the image printed and framed, so I was very pleased to run across it today. It's always been a favourite, but it fell off the front page of my web site a while ago now. I think I might put it back the next time I update the page.

R: C5, D26.

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