Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I was up early ( for me ) as I was expecting a call from my GP at 8.30am.  That time came and went with no call.  I waited and waited .  Didn't want to get on with anything too taxing in case the phone went so I just wasted my time.  At 9.30am I decided to call the health centre to see what was happening.  I was 5th in the queue. Finally spoke to a receptionist.... the doctor was " running behind " ... but I would definitely get a call.... sometime today.

More waiting.  Got on with tidying up one of my kitchen cupboards and changing the cat litter.  Finally the doctor called at around 11.30am.  ( apparently he had a double booked appointment at 8.30am ) We discussed the new painkillers he had prescribed a month ago.  I told him I was getting less back pain since taking them.  That was the good bit.  But they were causing constipation ( its one of the named side effects ).  The doctor said it might have to be a trade off going forward ... getting less pain and putting up with the constipation..  He said things might settle down the longer I take the tablets so he prescribed another months worth and he will phone me back at 8.30am on 11th November to see how things are going ( I won't hold my breath for an 8.30am call )

I decided to go back to bed for an hour or so as I was feeling cold ( I didn't have the heating on while I was up and it was a cold morning). 

Went down to the village in the afternoon - shopping and parcel collecting.  Went to my usual chemist to pick up the newly prescribed tablets ( the health centre had sent the request electronically ).... they were out of stock.  So I had to go to the other chemist in the village and fortunately they had some.

Took my blip shot in the back lane through the allotments.  A magnified shot of a knapweed flower.( I think thats what it is )  See Extra for a normal shot. Thanks to sk for hosting the Mono Monday challenge - the theme is Magnification .  (I was going to blip a magnifying glass but I couldn't find it)

Steps today - 7,328

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