
By ruthie1


The day did not start well. I fell down the stairs on my way to the shower. It really hurt! I was a bit shaken and very bruised but had to carry on and get the kids to school.
Then on the way to school we were nearly involved in a head on collision with a car which had lost control and ended up crashing off the road and onto a field! We arrived a little late to school after all the drama and Anya amused the office staff with her explanations, which sounded like perfect excuses but were, of course the truth!

I had no idea the northern lights were making an appearance tonight! We spent the evening at Hinchingbrooke for the Y6 open evening with Anya. She loved it and is definitely set on going there. Let’s hope we can get her a place…

I had a message on my phone when I got back from a friend, telling me to check the skies outside. A lovely surprise!

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