Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Sunrise swim

I'm surprised my human is still alive. Lol! She's We've had such a busy day! …........And at her age she really needs to be taking it a bit easier....................

First thing this morning we popped down to 'Porthgwidden Beach' so that my human could have a swim. As usual I played all the way along 'Porthmeor Beach' with my ball and then lay in 'good dog mode' guarding Ann's stuff.

Mmmmmm...................... today the 'guarding' was a bit tricky. Ann had put her stuff on a rock near the waters edge so that I would be closer to her. The rest of the 'Dippers & Swimmers' had put their stuff on a picnic table miles away OK slight exaggeration but Ann likes me to be as close to the waters edge as possible.

The tide was out, so it took Ann a bit of a walk until she could reach sea that she could swim in. …........And then, when she finally reached a 'deep' bit and looked back to see what I was doing............... there was a 'strange' man standing right next to me and right next to all Ann's stuff. Ann immediately alerted her 'dippers & swimmers', so they all started swimming to shore because they thought he might be trying to steal me or steal Ann's stuff....................

….................Fortunately he wasn't................... he was just standing around waiting for his girlfriend/partner/wife/friend to get changed before they headed off together. Phew!!!!!

Having said that, it's half way through October and my human is still swimming in the sea without a wetsuit. Mmmmmmm.................. she doesn't think she'll last much longer. She's a 'fairweather swimmer' and definitely won't be swimming in the winter. Having said that; we're heading back to Edinburgh in about 10 days and when we come back; it will be winter and all my human will be doing, is sitting indoors drinking wine. Lol!

Oh and if anyone is interested............................ after we'd both had a 'first thing in the morning swim and more than an hour's walk'............ we came home, my human had a shower, then we had breakfast, and then had to walk for more than an hour to a friend's house, to pick up our car that we'd left on Friday evening. My human went to work for 5 hours and was on her feet for the whole of that time (and I just snoozed), and then when she came home she took me for a play in the field.

I'm lying flaked out again.................................

My human is wishing she was lying flaked out??!!

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