
By hazelh

Primed car car

My father-in-law has made more progress on the restoration of the car car. He has fitted the wings to its main body. Then, after a few adjustments and the application of a lot of filler, he has primed it for the red primer coat. He has also assembled new axles and wheels. Since the old bonnet (propped up behind the car car body in the photo) was beyond saving, he has created a brand new, very shiny, one. (Earlier shots of the restoration can be found on 5th October 2024 and 23rd September 2024, and its original state when brought down from the attic at my parents' house was blipped on 16th May 2024.)

I have spent much of a beautiful autumn day outdoors, split between exercise and gardening. Once again I have swept leaves in the yarden and from the lawn at the back, and added them to my compost box. I also planted a few spring bulbs in pots at the front - until I ran out of compost and bulbs. We have a trip planned to the garden centre on Tuesday for buying more supplies.

We have finished watching the first New Zealand series of The traitors - very entertaining, as ever.

Exercise today: 7k run; walking (13,896 steps including run).

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