For the family

By RonaMac


The plan today was for R and I to go over to Birmingham to collect her wedding dress whilst S had a friend from Calgary visit Uttoxeter for a couple of days after attending a conference in London. 

Our appointment was for 3pm, so those arrangements went well, apart from the fact that the dress wasn’t finished, another adjustment was needed, so it will be ready for collection next week.

Change of plan for S. He was off to London on an early train, as his friend L who was due to visit, developed chest pain yesterday and was admitted to St Thomas’ Hospital. Another colleague from Canada was at the conference, so S joined up with him to wait out the investigations and provide support. 

L had a CT scan, then an angiogram which identified a blockage which was removed. They have said that he can probably fly home in a couple of days. His colleague flies home tomorrow, so S is going to stay over at the hotel tonight and see what’s what tomorrow. He’s only young, mid 40’s so this is a shock, and so scary as he lost his mum a couple of years back when she died suddenly of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. 

R and I came home via Tesco’s in Rugeley to get her shopping. Then she collected Olive from our house. 

B stayed at home with the dogs. His pulse rate irregularities have settled down a bit, but it’s still a bit faster than normal for him. 

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