
By dunkyc

The Club

Groucho Marx once famously quipped "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.”

One week on from “that” date, aka. the final nail in the coffin of my dating journey, I’ve had some time for reflection and readjustment, eventually landing on ol’ Groucho’s brilliant famous line.

Many a true word is spoke in jest (it’s where I tend to hide mine), but being brutally honest with myself, I think that’s where my commitment issues lie: You want to spend time with me? How messed up must you be to sink so low? I’ll have no part of it…

That is a bit a Gordian Knot to try and untangle, so I’m simply going to let that settle and hope that the ravages of time will naturally loosen the bonds of chronic insecurity.

Fortunately, I have an outstanding support network who have sworn a blood oath (ok, one of them accidentally cut their finger and I made them promise me something shortly thereafter) to keep me on the straight and narrow, ensuring that I focus on friends and family only. This way when it inevitably all breaks down again, it is their fault entirely and I am absolved of any and all responsibility. 

I’m pretty sure that there will not be any of these clubs going out of business as a result of the withdrawal of my member…..ship, although shares in Match, Tinder, Bumble, Grindr, Hinge, OKCupid and others may take a temporary dip.

Thanks for all the support and kind words that have been offered not only in this forum, but also offline and in the real world (imagine that), it really does mean a lot.

I’ll bookend this blip with another gem from Groucho:-

“If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you.”


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