In the face of an oncoming wave...
It'sssss water park day!!! We got to turn in to big kids for the day... It was awesome. There were some huge rides... My favourite being a huge (and I mean huge) half pipe that you went on in a double inflatable ring. So once you'd zoomed down the slope one side, and up the other side of the half pipe, you went back down the massive drop again (backwards facing). There were tonnes of other great slides (we definitely burned off all the breakfast pancakes after the number of times we walked back up the hill to the top of the slides).
Beach again in the afternoon, for a final doughnut from the doughnut man and soaking up some last rays. Here is what Ry and I look like in the face of an oncoming wave- a mixture of terrified /fearing for our lives and extreme happiness.
Went out for an amazing last-night-of-holiday dinner at the island. We had delicious fresh seafood and of course a generous amount of raki.
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