simple moments

By simplemoments

purple stripes…

…filling the frame

with the last

of petunias

i got there just in time - i’d had my eye - on these striped beauties - for the blip challenge and thought - i had time but - when i went down - to the garden the owner - of the garden plot - was near to yanking them - seems she was getting - ready to winterizing her plot - which i totally understand - however when i explained - my mission, she graciously - moved aside and allowed - me to snap several photos - before she did the deed

it was extremely thoughtful - of her to let me do - such a thing but we’re - really all about community here - and kindness wins over all - don’t ever believe people - won’t listen to you - or extend a genuine thought - for something you’d like to do - even taking a simple photo - true kindness still exists - in this world regardless of - the current events swirling - around us, so be encouraged - that you can always count on…


happy day…..

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