Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Michael Keaton was camp right? Why does no one agree!

So yes, I am currently living with my forever bestie at her house. Yet, its still all a bit new so when I discovered she hadn't woken up yet I was still too scared to make breakfast in case I set the house on fire.

In other news, this is me as Beetlejuice. I think I did a pretty swell job of it, might I say so myself. Besides the unfortunate talc incident when it just wouldn't stick to my face or hair! Very annoyed, but we live and learn and next time I will prepared with face paint. Already thinking up next years theme!

Well, I hope you all have a beautiful day even though its forecast for rain- OH what is this I hear? The sounds of a rising beauty? What time is it, bacon time!

Happy Blipping.

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