
By Ridgeback13


Lovely sleep then enjoyed a shower in Laura’s ‘hidden’ ensuite. Once again no real appetite so I just had a cup of tea with her, chatting kitchen designs and handymen, before nipping across the road to the bus stop. After yesterday’s beautiful blue skies day it had rained in the night but most of the rest of the day was bright.
I arrived early and set myself up in the cafe to finish some notes for a later meeting and then, as often happens when I’ve been struggling with something over several days, to finally crack the tricky document I’ve been wrestling with in a sudden spurt. I wasn’t tempted by coffee or even by a breakfast roll when JS joined me with his own for a chat, and we went in to watch the introductions to an open day event which was good and then chatted to LD and LF about positive things.
Had a better meeting than I expected as a follow on to the lunch on Monday, and set our guest up to discuss opportunities further before heading to the Boardroom for our extended annual joint meeting of two committees. All seemed to go well, despite me having caused a ruffle in the audit in my attempt to cut out work for governors (oops!), and nice to catch up with AB and CR.
Back to the station where there was an enthusiastic busker on the platform piano before I caught the train. Arrived home when DK was out having a wander round the neighbourhood and when she returned we chatted over some tea (although I seem to have rather lost my taste for tea with milk….let alone biscuits etc) about her trip to Spain with S, Homeswap, refurbing my flat and where we might like to eat this weekend. Decided to stay local for supper tonight and had a tasty dosa and biryani at Tanjore, before home to watch an episode of Presumed Innocent and an attempt to work out why my TV won’t seem to record at the moment….no luck!

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