get out
I don't care if it's windy. It's windy but it's May and therefore the wind is warm. Likewise if it's raining. Rain dries out. Go outside now and don't come back until you've either filled up a memory card or tired your legs out. Even if you just walk somewhere, sit down for a bit then go home again at least you'll get some nice fresh air. It's scientifically proven to be nicer outside than inside; that's why pretty flower things spontaneously grow outside whereas they only grow in the window-muffled inside when threatened into a pot and taunted with Baby Bio and regular waterings. The only people with an excuse not to go out are a: people in the southern hemisphere for whom it is late Autumn and b: allergic rhinitis, xeroderma pigmentosum or agoraphobia sufferers.
It might really rain or be even windier tomorrow...
I have been outside for a nice big walk and have earned to right to sit around reading for an hour or two whilst drinking coffee and eating cakestuffs.
I might head out again later.
I might have more coffee and cakethings after that too.
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