
By Ridgeback13


Early call with JH to sort out yesterday’s kerfuffle, then tidied up a bit and packed my overnight bag before walking down to town in bright sunshine for a workshop on ethical fundraising…very interesting and a shame I couldn’t stay for the whole thing (especially since I didn’t realise how small the group there would be). Just made the train over to Glasgow and further work on the knotty document on the journey, despite the man in a couple sitting at the table with me very loudly mansplaining how to catch their connecting train, and then, step by step, how she should solve a Sudoku puzzle. I put my airbuds in and tried to drown him out with Radio 3!
Quick run up the road to meet AP for lunch at Sarti’s (only a half portion of simple spaghetti pomodoro for me….still no real appetite) and a chance to catch up on her experiences as Chair. I hope our quinquennial review that starts tomorrow will be less work than theirs has turned out over the last year. We also chatted about elderly parent care (appropriate coincidentally as it would have been P’s birthday today) and being a long distance Chair.
We walked together round to GCU for our afternoon meeting, which was interesting in parts. Nice to meet up with some other Chairs although I didn’t get as much time as I’d hoped to compare notes on key issues and we ended with an early buffet supper (again, a small plate for me….) in this new building on campus.
Jumped in a taxi to go up to Laura’s where I’m staying tonight and we chatted over some peppermint tea for the evening before I faded about 9.30! Had just got into bed and about to sleep when A phoned to ask if I was watching the Northern Lights….couldn’t see anything out of the window but she sent me some amazing photos from the Borders.

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