Coming in for a landing.

I got up early this morning... no, really I did... to capture the reflection of the trees on the still water. The lake was like glass. I did get what I was after, but ended up liking this lily flower even better (and the reflections it created as well).

You may like this lovely lily larger...

It was close enough to the dock for me to lean way over the water and frame the little stunner. As I was on my belly on the dock, doing ab stabilization to hold my upper-half suspended over the water, I was surprised by this bee coming in to gather some pollen. No, I didn't drop the camera in the lake, but I did wobble a bit. Then caught my balance and excitedly snapped a few of the bee mid-flight and later crawling around in the center. How nice to have a blip in the bag so early in the day. (Hardly my style.)

As the day went on, my head started to bother me. And when a neighbor came by to tell me about a potential blip subject flower that had bloomed, I really didn't feel like following her back to her yard. But, she was nice enough to keep me and my obsession in mind, so I wandered over and took a few images. (My favorite was of this massively thick clump of dahlias.) I didn't stay as long as she seemed to want me to... lots to chat about.... but my head flared up even worse, so I had to cut it short. Possibly a tad rude, but I didn't really have a choice. Have to catch up another time...

Hope everyone had a good weekend! Night all.

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