Everyday Life

By Julez

Boultham Park!

Our night out was fun. We ate in a pretty deserted pub - for much of the time we were there, we were the only ones and easily outnumbered by the bar staff. 

A very youthful looking group were turned away as at least one of them had inadequate I.D. and an older man came in, ordered and downed a pint of beer then left again.

Our food was very good. No prizes for guessing what Brian ordered (fish and chips, of course!) and I went for the spicy Cajun cheesy pasta. There was too much for me, I should have asked for a doggy bag really, as I could have eaten the remainder for tea tonight. It lived up to the spicy part of its name very well, and I drank my beer rapidly after, as my mouth was on fire!

Once we'd eaten we went for another drink in the Cardinals Hat, which was busier and a more relaxed place to be. The evening was rounded off in the Jolly Brewer, which had a musicians' jam night on. There are a lot of very talented people out there! I've included an extra taken last night.

We were up no later than normal this morning, but not a lot of any use was done until after lunch when we decided to have a wander around Boultham Park. It seemed cloudy while we were in the car, but brightened up when we were walking and the light was pretty good.

On the way back we called in to B&Q for paint for the yoga room, then to get a new battery put into the car key as it wasn't always responsive when locking and unlocking the car.

Once home Brian got on with painting while I kept out of the way, drank tea and did some hobby stuff. We also administered more ear drops to Minstrel, quite a smooth process today, fortunately.

We're watching England v Greece at football now. 0-0 at half time, but 4 minutes into the second half, Greece have scored.

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