
By Knottman2

Emergency Blip.

Those who know her well may even recognise Mrs. K. Kindly helping out with this EB.

Why do I need an EB ?
Went to Leighton Moss RSPB this morning. Lovely weather.
Very busy with lots of enthusiasts having come to see the Bearded Tits which are very active in the first half of the morning. As they  eat hard seeds they then swallow grit which helps to grind the seeds up.
RSPB provides this grit on grit tables. Crowds of birders assemble at the viewing sites where these tables can be watched.  There were four or five birds on each table.
When I was able to get a line through the crowds I set the camera on multiple exposures.
On getting home I found I had 79 shots and not a single one of them was in good enough focus to be used !
Does any one else suffer from photographic disasters ?

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