
By Paladian

Picture of ...


This is me (Harry) she did get candid snap shot of me in a hurry on account of she didn't have a blip and I was handy as always.  

Don't take any notice of all the bits in my fur, but she isn't best pleased, I can tell you.  We did go to the groomers on Thursday, and we did look pristine and beautiful.  Today we didn't go to the groomers (she can't afford it every week, on account of .... oh, she's just told me to shut up about that, because it's private).  

Anyway, where was I , I tend to get sidetracked a bit, probably because I'm blond.  SHE says it's not PC to talk about blonds like that, but I'm a dog so I can talk about what ever enters my brain which you can see gets a bit convoluted at times.  

By the way this is all being done by thought transference.  She's very good at thought transference, don't you think.  

Anyway, finally, what I was going to tell you was that the lawn mower man did come yesterday, and as we have mentioned before it's gorgeous rolling around on a newly cut lawn.

Which accounts for all the bits in my fur.

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