An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Whirlwind day... a good way :-))

Andrew was up and dressed by 8am.  He and D took Lola a pavement walk.   

Lauren arrived at 11.30 to do my nails.  Got my pre-Christmas appointment booked in!  While I was getting my nails done Andrew applied himself to trying to find suitable holiday accommodation for us all next summer.  He's left a list for David to go through!  LOL!

Lauren left and a short while later our friends Keith and Mairi arrived.  We piled into our car and headed the The Cart Shed at Rait to have lunch.  Blake, Alan and Andrew were leaving not long after us and heading to Dundee to meet with with Andrew's mum.  He said to D this morning that he could move in with us and give his mum some peace!  What a lad!!  Thankfully I remembered about the Malteser slice before we left for our lunch, and got it packed up for him to take home.  We kept a few pieces :-)

Keith and Mairi are the King and Queen of lunching out and it's rare to find a good cafe they don't already know about, so they were keen to try it out after we enthused about it a couple of weeks ago.   Thankfully they loved it!  The food and service is fabulous and the surrounding countryside is beautiful.

Keith's mum was born and raised in the tiny village of Abernyte.  It's not far from Rait so once we had lunch we drove there and Keith took us round many of his childhood haunts and shared some hilarious memories of his time spent there, visiting his gran and his aunt and uncle.  

From there we drove through the grounds of Rossie Priory, such beautiful woodlands in fine colour.  From there we crossed over (or under actually) the A90 and headed back towards Perth via the Carse of Gowrie (bit of showbiz gossip - Ewan McGregor has apparently bought a mansion somewhere in the Carse as he felt drawn back to his roots, and plans to split his time between there and LA). Arrived back at ours just before 6pm.

Keith and Mairi headed home and this evening has been spent on my Tesco order, ordering yarn for my next baby blanket and snoozing.  No dinner to make as we were both still stuffed from lunch!

Oh, and got a phone call from Gynaecology offering me a cancellation appointment for my hysteroscopy tomorrow morning at 10am.  It's well overdue and I've been chasing so I of course said yes.  She said she would email the appointment letter to me.  Didn't see the email till we got back.  The letter states Friday at 10am, but her email says 10th!  Why is nothing ever straightforward?!  So I will be up and ready just incase it is tomorrow (I suspect it's Friday) and will phone the department as soon as they open to double check the date!  Would rather it was Friday as we have another lunch date with friends from Peebles tomorrow!

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