
By mambo

Easy Peasy

A rest day for me, try to fit one in every couple of weeks, so very little done today.
Granny taxi this afternoon, all the nicer because it was Kitty’s birthday, 15 today. Meant l could give her my gifts and see her open them before l took her to ballet.
Also saw Verity too as she is home and not feeling very well because she has one of the viruses doing the rounds at the moment. She has an awful hacking cough so after asking if she needed anything l kept a wide berth. Sat with Ronnie in the kitchen and he kindly posed for a photograph, the mere fact l was eating a mini Crunchie bar at the time was purely incidental:-))

In the morning l found a very docile bee in the conservatory so l tried the sugar and water technique and was pleased to see it had revived considerably when l returned to check its progress.
So l placed it on the heather in my garden.

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