Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


I must confess to having a rather disturbed night and didn’t sleep that well.  

Memo to self - do not read Medical Notes before going to bed!

I decided to look at my Medical Notes to see if my blood/test results were in quite late last night. They were, but on every one, including my Liver function, it said “ABNORMAL, but expected.”

I didn’t mention these to Mr. HCB as he had already gone up to bed, but slept very fitfully and each time I woke, which was quite a few, thought about these and decided that although I don’t have an appointment to see the doctor until 24th October, I would ring when I got up, to see if I could see my GP today.

At 8.28, I sat on the side of the bed, finger poised over the “Call” button and at 8.30 precisely, pressed it.  I was number 3 in the queue, which was good.  When I got through to the receptionist, I asked about an appointment for today, saying that I had seen my blood results and was quite alarmed by them, particularly my Liver function as that had been normal the last time I had a blood test in April.   

She said there were no appointments with the GP I usually see, but she was very reassuring and said that for some reason, the Path Lab do this - they write ABNORMAL against everything!  Saying that I had had a disturbed night because of this and she apologised and said to leave the appointment for the 24th and discuss this with the doctor when I saw her, which I said I would do.  

She also said that the only result that needed to be addressed was my cholesterol, which was still higher than it should be.  However, having looked at my results from last November, April this year and the most recent ones, my cholesterol is coming down, albeit very slowly - perhaps I now need to think about statins, so I will discuss this with the doctor when I see her on the 24th October.

However, having thought about it more this morning and talked it over with Mr. HCB, I think I will write to the surgery to say how upsetting it was to read this and to ask whether this can be changed, so that in future, seeing the word "ABNORMAL" people don’t worry.  I am not generally a worrier, and do try to stay positive, but I guess with everything else that is going on, it just tipped me “over the edge” last night.

I told Mr. HCB after I had spoken to the receptionist whereupon he said that if I had nothing else planned for this morning, I should have some breakfast, get dressed and we would go out for coffee, which we did - and to Jack’s, our favourite coffee shop in Old Town.  I happened to see us reflected in the light and thought it would make a good Blip for today, so here we are - I decided to have a little play and make it a bit more pink - although, surprise, surprise, I was wearing a jumper with quite a lot of pink in it!

You probably don’t need reminding, but I will remind you anyway - please CONTINUE TO CLICK, and more than once a day if you remember, on this LINK to enable those who are not able to pay for a mammogram to have a free one.  Thank you so much.  M xx  

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