
By TheOttawacker

Lonely in the house

Mrs. Ottawacker found herself called into the office for some training today – not sure whether she was supposed to be receiving or giving the training – regarding the implementation of a new database. As nobody is really sure what is being done, it promises to be an interesting meeting. But is it ever weird to be sitting at home by myself…
Got a fair bit done, including typing up the draft book review. It’s not a bad way of doing it as it forces me to revise as I go. As you might be able to tell from this, I am not a great re-reader of what I write. Also did a fair bit of translation and submitted. Then got another translation by return of mail.
Ottawacker Jr. did exceptionally well in the Terry Fox run – came second and managed 44 laps of the field. They make a mark on his arm with every lap – so he was quite happy to show them off as he arrived home.
Grilled a large steak for dinner, which all three of us seemed to like. Grilling… now there is a word from the 20th century.

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