Kelp Art
This big piece is hanging on our living room wall. It is made by the „Kelp lady“ from kelp that she has collected during the wintermonths and then worked on it for weeks, first by a process of three weeks watering the kelp with sweet water to get the salt out of the kelp. In the end it is not salty , not smelling fishy anymore and so pliable that she can weave with it.
I will put a pile of the original kelp in the extras.
Today was an exceptionally warm day; all of a sudden you could feel the warm soft air and it was outside way warmer than inside of the house. Hubby took the dog for a nice walk in some shady wood while I hung out a bit by the pool and had a nice swim. The afternoon was spent with ‚my‘ new writers group and at my return hubby and I cooked dinner together . As we now both have a sore shoulder, we work together by using the two remaining healthy arms…Works well.
I will upload a picture for yesterday’s walk- I just noticed that I had forgotten to post.
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