
By Stuart9613

If Only

After 14 years of some dreadful governance it certainly must be a time for a change.However it appears to be just a different set of pigs with their noses in the same trough and at best a disappointment or what is looking like a change for the worse.
Liverpool has always been left leaning and I never thought I would see such protests outside a Labour Conference especially so soon after coming to power.The scandal of the winter fuel payment and the colossal amount of freebies for ministers is nothing short of appalling.Over thirty thousand pounds of new clothes for the PM who looks no better for it only proves the old adage that you can't polish a turd.
While so many pensioners face an uncertain and frightening winter it has been announced today that nearly 22 billion pounds will be spent on two carbon capture facilities.For a country that produces less than one percent of the worlds co2 this can only be seen as virtue signalling to their mates in Davos.

Well mustn't grumble too much because we know what happens if you have a point of view that differs.

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