Hev’s Journal

By Hevkk

Two Sides of the Coin

The pleasant side is the close up of this beautiful flower. It droops down so you have to look up to see the lovely yellow interior. 

But there is a dark side, and I decided to spare you from seeing it. Nature can be harsh in its pursuit of preservation. I also took a photograph of a battle between a cranefly and a spider. Naturally the spider won, despite being so much smaller. Interestingly, and sadly, the cranefly was pregnant. I knew this because she released her eggs during her battle, which I managed to capture in the picture. I do not know if this is a way of trying to preserve the eggs, or a natural reaction to her predicament. I would love to know the answer. The macrophotography world is fascinating.

My Latest painting for autumn can be seen on my other account at Fallen Leaves of Autumn | Pencil_Me_In | Blipfoto

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