seedhead, if you don't know what you're looking at :)
Well, the bad news is - I did a test from my new pack of Covid-19 testers, and I'm still rather more positive than I expected to be :(:(
Otherwise a quiet day, quick chat with my boss just before lunch and then I took the car for a 20 minute drive...because I really thought I'd be going back to work tomorrow....
Alas it wasn't to be!
In other news, some of the side effects I have in particular are that I've lost sense of smell, sense of taste and I feel as if I've lost some hearing too (like when you have a cold) :( I realised I couldn't smell the pousin cooking yesterday, that was difficult ....
And getting fed up of my own company...
Yet, still nothing as bad as what is still going on on the other side of the world!
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