Pasta making!

My mother in law gave me a pasta machine as my birthday present, tonight was the first chance I had to use it. With Andy away for the weekend I had my friend Jen around for dinner. It was a bit of a comedy of errors as I'm not sure that much more could have gone wrong this evening.. the cat I was looking after for a neighbour brought a mouse home (minus it's head), I hate animals with small bones (yuck!) so I called on Jen to deal with it. In between the mouse incident and Jen arriving I tripped over the end of the bed, getting a big bruise on my leg and then dropped the orchid in the bathroom down the toilet... Trying to get ahead of myself I set to making the pasta dough but spilt eggs and flour everywhere on my first attempt and had to try again! Jen found me in a bit of a mess, and pretty much ended up making her own tea, the ravioli we made was delicious and worth the perseverance!

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