
By CreativeCarol

My New Wheels

This was our first Sunday in a month with no thunderstorms. Yeah! I was more than ready to take a long bike ride on the beach. Unfortunately the bridge on the way over was stuck in the "up position" and we had to take a detour that had more traffic than I care to ride with to get out to the beach.. The inter coastal was filled with boats and the beach restaurants were very busy. The great weather was enticing many to the beach.

We keep track of our routes and miles on our phones. I was surprised when we got back from our ride to see that I had logged over 250 miles on my new bike since May. Having new wheels has made the rides much more enjoyable as I can keep up with my hubby! He was not interested in being blipped today, so I had him take my photo with my wheels to fill the Heartfreek July challenge for wheels.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!

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