
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 74/80
Main activity: Sun - jog, Carlene's/St. Pete, packing, rest, football
Notes: Slept till 4a, a little better. Was online and sent a msg back to Carlene on FB messenger from the night before and she answered! They're in NJ and she's needing someone to go board up their house before this next hurricane hits and asked Ellen and I. Ellen jumped on a bit later and we agreed to do this morning. I went for a jog then as the rain hadn't started - still hot and sticky - loaded 3 big bins into my car that are done, took a quick rinser, and then 1 more bin on my way out and headed south. Got to Carlene's a bit before Ellen and started to pull things out. Wasn't a quick or easy experience and I didn't think  we were going to find the caps that go on the pegs but finally got all done that we could and headed to Ellen's studio. She had stuff to unload there and I left my full bins there (storage not set up yet) and helped her w/ a couple storm prep things. I headed back then - first time in quite awhile I brought 275 back and it flowed well and seemed pretty quick. Rain was steady by then. I needed another shower and then made my coffee and had some toast, turned on the tv. The shows I'd wanted to see were done tho so after coffee, tried to rest a bit in bed (air mattress) - was feeling so tired. That's when the neighbors decided to start slamming doors and banging things around so I tried to drown out as best I could - rested about 45 min, maybe dozed a little. Got up then and right back to packing - so much to do! Football started at 1p and did RedZone and just kept working on packing. Got a fair amount done, later made eggs and cooked up over a pound of ground beef and had a burger w/ avocado w/ my eggs and then a piece of the carnivore cake w/ the strawberry jam layer. Took some breaks and watched football but never for long. Decided later afternoon to do a white load and then had to mostly dry the sheets as my other set is packed. Did another rinse-off late, watched a bit of tv in bed.

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