Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


My sister my nephews and brother in law left today. I may have cried! After they left my mum and I headed out for a walk my mum is staying a few extra days. After our walk we took a tour mainly to look at the birds we could find and as mum was watching some birds on the pond movement caught my eye I said mum mum look on the horizon I think its a coyote she put her binoculars on it and said I think it might be a wolf. I grabbed the binoculars and low and behold it was a wolf. My first ever wold sighting. We drove a little closer as it was not too scared and it watched us and we watched it. Such a special thing to see just magnificent. And erm yeah no camera just my phone and I only thought about a picture once it had moved off. 

We then came home and tidied the house a bit and remade our bed with fresh sheets. I have been enjoying the rooftop tent this last week but it will be nice not to be climbing ladders and putting up and taking it down everyday. A game of wingspan dinner then books and bed!

"Be yourself. If you're not yourself, who are you? But take advice; listen to people. If you're not listening, you're lost. You're a sheep among wolves." - Craig David

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