The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The sky hangs just above our heads

The skies were so grey today! I woke early and went downstairs to finish watching a documentary about Peter Sellers (my mother was a big fan of his). Then I made a batch of granola and a batch of flapjacks. 

At this point I realised that I was knackered already! I had a bath and then did my poetry class homework. Started receiving messages from my brother, so had to ring him. He was at Schipol airport, but we managed to talk a while. 

Steve and I headed off to Nature in Art, North of Gloucester, to see an exhibition on Ancient Trees. My cousin is one of the exhibitors but, sad to say, I was not as impressed by the overall quality  as I'd hoped. We looked at an additional exhibition upstairs, and had a cup of tea in the cafe, before heading home again. 

Back at the house, I had emails to write and topicss to research. I've been feeling a bit down because of the continuing lack of energy, so I took a few Spotify songs for a walk on my striding machine. That definitely helped. 

After supper, we started watching Show Trial (new drama series on BBC 1, by the creators of Line of Duty) and then, because of a new jigsaw I'd started  working on, we ended up chatting about our trips to Istanbul in 1972 and 1987. Steve's actually been on the that train, but it wasn't called the Orinet Express by then. I went by coach from Thessaloniki. GG is there now, and thanking me for all the walking practice I have given her over the years....dsappointingly, she did not travel there overland, but flew. 

Apologies for the really dreadful quality of today's shot. I'll publish a 'completed' shot when I finish the jigsaw, whenever that may be.   

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