A perfect day.............

..............well almost.

Started well enough with the dogs walked and then breakfast of lightly poached duck eggs on toast, a pot of fresh coffee and the map to start planning for the holiday in a couple of weeks time.

The speaker at the Kirk was encouraging and I think the kids had a good time celebrating the end of term with fun in the garden.

Enjoyed calling in at Halfords for a couple of bits and pieces, including a new bell for Mrs DD's bike.

Mrs DD and Hannah then left me for a couple of days in Oxford to look after Reuben. Taking the edge of perfect day. Part one.

And then, despite being on my own, I have just enjoyed a nice piece of steak, pasta and fresh green salad, washed down with a pleasant glass of the red wine Mrs DD treated me to in the week. Don't like drinking on my own, so got the dogs to join me in the garden.

Downside to the day, part two. I decided, prior to locking myself away in my office and using the time I have on my own constructively catching up on loads of paperwork, I would have a short ride, along the towpath into Welshpool, a quick spin round the town and then head back the way I came.

Now, I'm a firm believer that, on the towpath, pedestrians have the right of way over dog walkers and cyclists. And I always carry my BW cycling permit in case I am ever asked for it.

And I had been batting along at a fair rate of knots - for an old timer like me anyway - gaining some scratches and knocks on the way when I came upon a couple of ladies walking towards me.

I slowed down, almost to a stop and then called said ladies to walk past me. As I slowly moved towards my right however, the towpath gave way and I ended up submerged completely, bike and all, in smelly, not very clear water!

Soggy ride home and a washing line full of clothes later I now have to inform you that the only blips you will get from me over the next couple of weeks will be from my iPhone.

Amazingly, although submerged with me, it is still fully functioning. The same cannot be said for my camera.

Hey ho. Back to work tomorrow. Have a good week.

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