Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


We had our annual end of season awards and BBQ today for Haslemere Town Under 14s. Feels like the football season finished a long time ago, but what better way to spend the afternoon than a Lads v Dads 20 over a side cricket match?

No one was entirely sure whether Will (4 foot 10) tripped Wayne (16 stone at least!) up or whether he did it all by himself, but either way, apologies to all local residents who were spooked by the news report of an earthquake in Haslemere about 4.07 this afternoon that measured 3.7 on the Richter scale!

Well done to the Dads who set an impressive 210 in their 20 overs. Unlucky Lads. You did well to reach 155 in reply.

And congratulations to Finn, Will C and Joe for winning the 3 awards. Very well deserved indeed. And a final thank you to Scott our manager who has been looking after the team since it first came together as an Under 7 team. You've done / are doing a fantastic job Scott - on behalf of all the parents, thank you very much indeed!

I turned up with intention of offering to do the scoring, but Scott had different ideas which included opening the batting. My foot is still sore from last Sunday's injury, but definitely has felt over the last 24 hours that it is beginning to mend. Batting passed off uneventfully, and I was allowed a runner (although it's very difficult not to run!).

Fielding on the other hand was a nightmare! I chose to go barefoot because shoes still hurt. Can you see where this might be going?

I even managed to bowl a couple of very tidy overs, picking up one wicket, and could have had another 3 had catches been taken. Classic moment was when one of the batsmen hit the ball quite hard in my direction. I tried to jump out of the way and managed to get my bad foot out of the way quite quickly. Less fortunately, my other foot was hit by the oncoming ball right on my ankle! Pain not too bad, but the really good thing was that after the ball bounced off my ankle, it hit the stumps and ran the other batsman out :-)

Pain very low tonight, so looking forward to a good night sleep, and looking forward to not looking forward to going into the office tomorrow

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