
By dogwithnobrain

I don't know if I'll ever feel right

I am hoping for great things in the coming week 

Boy sent me this photo.  I had nothing else and I absolutely adored the post-shower pigeon in Porto 

  I took a set of photos today... Some giant aircraft was leaving the airport after a four month refit   there was something special about it. Air bus?  Bendy wings?  Not sure.  

When I saw it revving to take off I ran outside camera at the ready 

I was standing in the shade of the trees and remembered I had it set on Manuel   I quickly snapped the trees checked the exposure and got ready

Snap snap snap 

Came inside transferred to the computer and was sadly disillusioned

8 perfect grey squares.   The exposure was okay under the trees and in the shade nnbut pointing to the sky..? Way too exposed.

Dang. From this shot it's easy to see that Boy has a better grasp of the camera than me. I need to get back to captures with proper camera rather than the quick and easy android 

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