Last night ended this morning at 1AM after a chat-athon!!! And a midnight Baileys :)))

My cousin lives on her own and I think she loved having company!

#view from my window…who’d have guessed Sunshine in Wales and obviously sheep :)))
#Quick selfie snap in the sunshine.
After a very slow start we went out to lunch/brunch with Sue’s friend and Aunty who turns out is my Auntie’s sister in law!!! So we’re vaguely related :)))
#we popped into my uncle’s local (Mum’s big brother); he died many years ago, but the pub displays his riding boots and we were leaving a photo of him so they have more meaning. It definitely needs a name plate for it to remain noteworthy in the future.
When we got back to Sue’s house we sat outside with a cuppa and cake enjoying the sunshine for about an hour. It was seriously warm.
The Rev came at 5 and we had the best journey ever back to London.

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