Bearded Reedling/Bearded Tit #70
An early start for the 90 minute drive to Leighton Moss was worth it to catch up with some of the 30 pairs of Bearded Reedlings (or Bearded Tits if you like) that make the Moss their home.
When we arrived the viewing area on the Causeway was already full with birders and photographers, all being very quiet. Within a few minutes we heard the familiar ping ping and 10 birds had landed, not on the grit trays where everybody was looking, but further up the path of the causeway. Quite comical to see everyone turn around when they realised.
Soon after a few pairs made it their mission to inhabit the reeds behind the trays, giving us all some lovely views. I made it my mission to try and catch one in flight, and I can tell you, it's really difficult!!!
Many images of empty reeds later and after the departure of the cute little birds, we visited the remaining hides but most of them didn't hold anything much to photograph.
The one exception was a rather smart Greenshank at the Eric Morecambe hide (extra).
A thoroughly lovely day in some nice warm sunshine at times.
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